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Insurance · 20 Nov 2024 23:51

The Essential Guide to Dental Deep Cleaning Insurance

					The Essential Guide to Dental Deep Cleaning Insurance Zoom

Known as scaling and root planing, this procedure removes plaque and tartar from below the gum line and smooths the roots of your teeth to help gums reattach. But why is deep cleaning teeth so expensive?

1. Complexity of the Procedure

The main reason why deep cleaning teeth is so expensive is due to its complexity. It involves scaling (removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line) and root planing (smoothing the root surfaces).

This requires more time, skill, and precision compared to a regular cleaning.

2. Specialized Equipment

Another factor why deep cleaning teeth is so expensive is the specialized equipment used. Dentists employ advanced tools and technologies, such as ultrasonic scalers and specialized hand instruments, which are costly to purchase and maintain.

3. Anesthesia Costs

Deep cleaning can be uncomfortable, so local anesthesia is often used to numb the gums. This adds to the overall cost, which is a key reason why deep cleaning teeth is so expensive.

4. Extended Time Requirement

The procedure typically takes longer than a regular cleaning, sometimes requiring multiple visits. The additional time spent by the dental hygienist or dentist increases the cost, making deep cleaning teeth more expensive.

5. Preventive Care Benefits

Despite being more costly, deep cleaning is a preventive measure to treat and manage gum disease.

Addressing issues early helps prevent more serious and costly dental problems in the future, which is why investing in deep cleaning teeth can be beneficial in the long run.

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6. Insurance and Co-pays

While dental insurance may cover part of the cost, patients often have to pay co-pays and meet deductibles. This can make the out-of-pocket expense higher, which explains why deep cleaning teeth is so expensive even with insurance.

7. Follow-up Care

Patients may need follow-up visits to monitor their gum health and ensure proper healing after a deep cleaning.

These additional visits contribute to the overall expense, which is another reason why deep cleaning teeth is so expensive.

Cost Range

On average, the cost of a deep cleaning can range from $150 to $350 without insurance, and potentially higher if anesthesia is required. This wide range also illustrates why deep cleaning teeth is so expensive.

Benefits of Deep Cleaning

Despite the higher cost, the benefits of deep cleaning include preventing tooth loss, reducing the risk of systemic infections related to gum disease, and improving overall dental health.

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